Winter Competition Registrations through HDNA
We would like to warmly welcome all our players and families to Pizzey Park Netball Club Inc. We are a grass-roots club whom strive to develop not only your child's netball skills, teamwork and good sportsmanship, but form great friendships.
For player's born 2012 and prior to, you will be attending the, NetSetGo Competition 7years-10years.
Net (U8yrs) Set (U9yrs) Go (U10yrs) at HDNA - Firth Park Mudgeeraba. For those registering for South Coast Netball Association @ Mallawa Drive, Palm Beach they group 8-9, 9-10, 10-11, 11-12.
Our Club grades all members into divisions prior to the season to establish similar skills sets per team. All grading is carried out at Carrara Indoor stadium in late January and/or early February each year. Members are encouraged to be active on the facebook site for updates.
HDNA have a 'Set' program for 5 & 6 year olds starting dates TBA, please contact HDNA on info@hdnetball.org.au as these ages are run through HDNA directly.
The time your age group plays will be advised by HDNA once all Club team registrations are received.
Any further information can be found on our web site or our Facebook page. Please "LIKE" our Facebook page for up to date information.
To receive a sibling discount please register as normal and pay the full amount.
Then please email the club pizzeyparknetball@hotmail.com with yyour children's details and a refund will be paid to you for the appropriate discount.
As part of ensuring value for money we will also attempt where possible to have a maximum number of 9 players per team so that all children can get fair court time.
Team Training
All team Training Nights will be organised with your individual coaches with consultation with our coaching coordinator. We will endeavor to do all things possible to ensure that the team trains on a night that suits the coach first, then the parents, for it is the coaches who passionately give up their time to coach our children.
Uniform fittings
We will have uniform fitting days listed on the Facebook page. Our uniform co-ordinators are the best in the biz - volunteering their time to make our players ready for the season. The club uses the square or cash for purchases.
For those who wish to play netball with the Pizzey Park Netball Club. All players/non players (including club umpires and coaches) are required to complete registration through Netball Queensland.
Payments via direct debit or cash. Heritage Bank - BSB: 638070 ACC: 5087511 REF: Child(s) first initial & Surname
Please note if you are playing in 2 different competitions you will not have to pay the Pizzey Park Fee and the Netball QLD fee for your second Competition. NetballConnect online system recognises the registration and will charge you for the fee required (ie. you will not pay twice).
Any question please contact pizzeyparknetball@hotmail.com