Umpires play a very important role within netball. Without them – there are no games!
The Club recognises how necessary you are and provides the resources, support and training you need to carry out the role.
If you are interested in helping out our Club, by becoming an Umpire, please contact us at pizzeyparknetball@hotmail.com.
Irrespective of whether you wish to umpire or not, by doing Online Umpiring Course, your understanding of the rules of the game as well as your actual game play will improve.
The following link is the educational material provided to understand the rules in video format.
Payments for umpires per game at HDNA are as follows (please note Umpires registered for South Coast Netball Association are paid directly from the Association - make contact with them directly):
A Badge - $30 (Carnivals $180)
B Badge - $25 (Carnivals $150)
C Badge - $20 (Carnivals $120)
Junior HDNA Badge - $15 (Carnivals $110)
No Bib - $12 (Carnivals $100)
Orange Bib - $10 (Carnivals $100)
White Bib - $10 (Not qualified for carnvials)
(Umpire coaches are paid their badge rate).
About the course
The course contains five modules, covering a range of general officiating topics.
The course takes approximately 6 hours to complete with assessment included at the end of each module.
How to access the course - https://learning.netball.com.au/login/index.php
The Beginning Officiating General Principles course is available from the Australian Sports Commission’s new online learning portal.
How does this effect your Netball Umpiring Accreditation
For those umpires who wish to become accredited, the Beginning Officiating General Principles course provides the first step towards accreditation. The next step is to complete a sports specific umpiring course in order to achieve accreditation as a umpire.
For more information on the course, and to enrol, go to http://qld.netball.com.au/umpiring-accreditation/
Download the rules of netball here: https://netball.sport/game/the-rules-of-netball/
Email pizzeyparknetball@hotmail.com with your details form, tax hobby form and rules of netball 70% or above pass mark to qualify to umpire for Pizzey Park Netball Club.